Thursday Night Flipper Fight

Event Date:

February 20, 2025

Event Time:

7:30 pm

Event Location:

Original Pinballz Arcade, 8940 Research Blvd, Austin, TX


Welcome to Thursday Night Flipper Fights, a bi-weekly pinball tournament hosted by local pinball club Salamander City. Starting at 7:30pm, play against other local pinball lovers as you test your skills and see who comes out on top as the best of the best in pinball. For a $5 entry fee, you get to play 5 rounds of match play, followed by a round of playoffs. The Top 4 finalists at the end of the night will receive cash prizes from the prize pool.
Whether you’re a veteran player or new to the pinball scene, these bi-weekly tournaments are open to any-experience pinball players. Time to grab your play card and start flipping!

Matchplay Rules

– Scoring is done in a 7-5-3-1 point system (winner of each machine gets 7 points, second place gets 5 points, third place gets 3 points and fourth place gets 1 point).
– In Round 1, players will be grouped up randomly. As you play through Rounds 2-5, your groups will rearrange and you will be paired up with players who have similar scores to you.
– After Round 5, the overall Top 6 players will qualify for the playoffs.
– The Top 2 players out of the 6 will automatically get a bye into the finals. The remaining 4 players will play 1 game, with their Top 2 advancing into the finals.
– Top 4 finalist will receive payout from the prize pool.

Additional Rules

– Be respectful to other players as well as machines. Playing out of turn will result in a score of 0 for that round.
– No deathsaves, bangbacks, or rage tilts.
– Tiebreakers will be settled by number of wins.
– All questions or requests for a ruling must be directed to the Tournament Director(s). No player is allowed to make ruling or disqualification calls.
– If a random group only has 3 players, the 7-5-3-1 point system will be altered and become a 7-4-1 point system.

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